RAF Directors George Way, Kamil Kaloush and Doug Carlson attended the International Road Federation meeting in the Bahamas. All three spoke at the meeting about Asphalt Rubber and related environmental sustainability topics. The meeting was well attended by over 200 people and covered a wide range of presentations on highway safety, highway construction and materials and environmental concerns.

From left to right Dave Huddleston, George Way, C. Patrick Sankey President and CEO of International Road Federation, Dr. Kamil Kaloush and Mario Perezcassar.

RAF Board of Director’s member Doug Carlson attended the IRF Bahamas Conference with his wife Cindy. Doug gave a presentation at the Conference on new asphalt rubber technology innovations developed by Liberty Tire.

Doug Carlson’s daughters also traveled to the Bahamas. Left to right shown in the picture is Christine, Doug, Corisa and Cindy.