RAR2022 Conference in Malaga, Spain, June 27-29, 2022, sponsored by RAF. RAF Directors Dr. Jorge Sousa, George Way, Dr. Kamil Kaloush and Doug Carlson gave AR presentations.

Dr. Jorge Sousa presenting. Seated with dignitaries and opening session George Way.

Left right Dr. Krishna Biligiri, Dr. Kamil Kaloush, Dr. Shakir Shatnawi and George Way.

Left to right, Dr. Krishna Biligiri, Hugo Bandala, George Way, Miguel Coll, and Marco Sosa.

Left to right Hugo Bandala, Miguel Coll and Jorge Coelho.

Left to right Dr. Krishna Biligiri, Dr. Jorge Sousa, George Way, and Miguel Coll.

Left to right Pilar Herrero, George Way and Dan Dan Li.

Left to Right Dr. Carolina Rodezno, Dr. Kamil Kaloush, Dr. Krishna Billigiri and Dr. Jose Medina.

Some fun at the conference banquet.

A fun conference but a little exhausting.