Chief Pavement Design Engineer (Retired)
Arizona Department of Transportation

George B. Way is chairman of the Rubberized Asphalt Association and an adjunct professor with the Arizona State University School of Sustainable Engineering & The Built Environment. He also serves as a chief engineer at Consulpav, a pavements and materials consulting firm with offices in the U.S., Portugal and China.
George is a chemical engineer and a graduate of Arizona State University. He is a registered professional civil engineer in Arizona and retired as a chief pavement design engineer from the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) after 35 years of service in the Highway Division.
His main expertise is in the areas of pavements and sustainable innovations such as rubberized asphalt. George is also an active member of the Rubber Pavements Association (RPA), American Society for Testing & Materials International (ASTM), Pacific Coast Conference on Asphalt Specification (PCCAS), Transportation Research Board (TRB), Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT) and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). In addition to being RAF’s chairman, he is currently the chairman of the RPA Technical Advisory Board. He has given numerous presentations throughout the world on rubberized asphalt, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Belgium, Oman, Qatar, Lebanon, South Africa and China.